New Features
- Added the ability to read spline curves when importing a DXF file.
Circuit Designer
- Added the ability to place an attribute text when creating a symbol.
- Added the ability to use components in a QDB when converting CR5000 schematic files to Quadcept files.
- Added the option to update pin information when running the Update Components command.
PCB Designer
- Added the ability to create a route without a net.
- Added the ability to automatically generate planar transformer routes.
- Added the ability to convert selected lines and arcs into routes.
- Enhanced the ability to correct coordinate errors when importing a DXF file.
- Added the option to use aperture macros when exporting Gerber files.
- Connection lines (rats nest) are now always displayed in net colors.
Fixed Issues
- Fixed an issue where importing Ultra Librarian library files (*.xml) would fail due to an incorrect parameter in the files.
Circuit Designer
- Fixed an issue that caused slow processing when the number of nets became large.
- Fixed an issue where a deleted schematic sheet could be included in the netlist.
- Fixed an issue that caused an error when closing the configuration dialog with the text cursor on the Net Name field in the property window.
- Fixed an issue that caused an error when 0 was set for the No. of division field in the Column Settings section in the wizard for creating a new drawing frame.
- Fixed an issue where unintended nets were set for pins under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue where the drawing frame attribute, “Frame.SheetName” would not work correctly when a device block was used in the design.
- Fixed an issue where the font name in the Property window would be blank when multiple texts are selected.
PCB Designer
- Fixed an issue where the Present Layer Display command did not work correctly in each layer setting.
- Fixed an issue where user-defined layers with objects could be deleted when importing a layer settings file.
- Fixed an issue where teardrops could be left undeleted when deleting routes.
- Fixed an issue that caused an error when opening a PCB sheet with very small teardrops.
- Fixed an issue where teardrops would not be automatically removed in some cases.
- Fixed an issue where references could unintentionally become hidden when importing a netlist file.
- Fixed an issue where the approved (resolved) DRC error marks would not be displayed in some cases.
- Changed the BD converter (pcf) to convert a route without a net as an empty route.
- Changed the BD converter (pcf) to use the part name when converting the footprints as parts.
- Fixed an issue where the display area in the print preview of Gerber files would change depending on whether drill data was present or not.
- Fixed an issue where invalid lines were output to the Gerber files for certain data.
- Fixed an issue where pads of specific shapes were not drawn correctly in the Gerber Viewer.
- Fixed an issue where a SMD pad was recognized as a Through pad in some cases.
- Fixed an issue where Update Components would not work correctly when the same part was placed from different QDBs.
- Fixed an issue where connection lines (rats nest) were not selected with the Select All command.
- Fixed an issue that caused an error when running the Toggle Plane Type command while including rats in the selection.
- Fixed an issue where the status displayed while creating a slit in Create Board Slit mode was incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where the screen display position would shift improperly when running the Move Origin Point to Center command while the PCB design was flipped.
- Fixed an issue where the clearance rule between a dynamic plane and a LVH would not be applied under certain conditions.